Monday, December 21, 2009

6 months

Here are her 6 month time flies (she is now almost 7 months). We had a friend do her pics and they turned out beautiful! Check out her blog here I love her bright blue eyes- and no they are not enhanced.
At her 6 month appt she was 26" long and 15.5# She is giggling and moves her little legs nonstop. When I come into her room and get her from her crib she laughs and bounces around like crazy. Melts my heart.
She is a happy little baby who steals our hearts every second of the day. And even though she still wakes up a few times a night to nurse ( I can't remember the last time I slept more than a 4 hour chunk) we wouldn't change anything about being parents- it is the best!


  1. What a little doll..and her eyes...seriously...she's killing me. She's so perfect.

  2. Oh Saige, I think they turned out great! She's beautiful!

