Monday, April 23, 2012

Back to Work

My last two weeks of work have been a whirlwind.  My plate is FULL! Let me just list the things that have been going on since I started back:
1. Put Koal to sleep
2. Cavity (haven't had one in about 18 years)
3. Kinked my neck which has resulted in 6 (count them) mirgaines (which I never get)
4. Doc put me on hydrocodone for the migraines and the first one I took kicked my butt- sick all day at work, even ran out of a meeting to puke, had to dump my milk (which I NEVER do)
5. Corey's busy time = working till 9pm almost every night and working all day on Sat and Sun
6. New puppy (might be more work than an infant)
7. Screaming kid the first 2 days of daycare (everything is back to normal now)
8. Sick little girl. 105 F temp. Her temp has been staying around 103 and won't come down. Ear infection, eye infection, nose infection. First antiobiotic not working, went back to doc today for something else- fingers crossed it works.
9. Supposed to be heading to Vegas in two days with both girls (in the car)
10. Corey left today for a business trip and won't be back till Thursday when we are gone
And that has just been the first 2 weeks back to work. Hopefully things start to get back to normal. Not complaining or anything- just wanted everyone to know why I have been MIA.

Isley is such a good little helper with Quinn. I had Quinn sitting in the Boppy and Isley was playing with her Ipod- I looked over and Isley placed her stuffed dog on Quinn. Guess she thought Quinn needed some company. I love the pic of Quinn staring at the beast wondering what in the world it is doing on her belly.

 Isley pumping milk for Carlos just like mom does for Quinn. Too funny!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Well I started back to work on Monday and it was a very sad day.

When Corey first graduated school and moved back he wanted to buy a little pup to keep him company. He found a batch of black labs (not papered) at a local pet store. He took me back to see her and we bought her right there for $100. For a hunting dog- this was a big no-no. We didn't know her parents, if she really was pure bred, she was much too cheap, etc... But she turned out to be worth much more.
She was a super companion, a fabulous hunting dog and the perfect playmate for Isley.

Being a hunting dog she had a few health issues rise up. She blew out both her ACLs, had buck shot (the beebees in the bullets) in her ears and bottom (we know this from the x-rays), been skunked a few times, had a couple runs-ins with some porcupines, and most recently tore through a nail and gashed up her leg, which required stitches and a cone for a week. She was a trooper and happier than most dogs.

On Easter, we were outside doing some yard work. Koal and Ash were lounging around, playing and following Isley around as usual. After dinner I noticed that Koal was not putting any weight on her hind leg. With all of her injuries, I didn't think twice- just asked Corey if something happened to her. She sat down to lay in the sun so I left her alone. At 11:30pm Corey heard her crying in the back yard. He went out to check on her and she couldn't use either of her hind legs- she was laying down whimpering. He carried her to the garage and put her in bed. We gave her some pain meds and let her sleep, thinking we would take her to the vet in the morning for another surgey or something.
The next morning she hadn't moved. She wouldn't eat and as I was getting ready I could hear her crying. Corey is super busy with work so he dropped her off at the vet and I went in to find out the problem.
The vet said she probably had some arthritis break loose in her spine and compromise her spinal cord, which paralyzed her. The vet said there was nothing they could do. I was in shock. I started crying. Our only option was to put her to sleep.

I couldn't do it alone so they took her and put her on pain meds till Corey could come.
I ran back to work and an hour later Corey and I met at the vets and put her to sleep. Hardest thing to do... We sobbed and said our good-byes. Corey picked her up after work and buried her on the farm where we first lived with her. We are going to plant something nice on her grave.

It has been pretty hard- Ash is really depressed- barely eats, keeps looking for his best buddy. Isley asks for her and I tear up every time I try to explain that she is sleeping and won't be coming home. We miss her deeply to say the least.

Because Ash has never been alone we are getting him a little puppy to liven him up. We probably would wait a little longer, but there is a one time chance to get some German wirehairs nearby. They are pretty hard to come by so we picked out a little female and she will be coming home within the week. I'll keep you posted on her.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chunky Brewster

My little Chunky Brewster. Her cheeks are so round and delicious! Perfect for smooching.
