She finally made her debut. Everyone says that the second baby comes a lot faster, well not in our case. Had some false labor the Saturday before she was born that got us all fired up. Just as we were packing for the hospital they stopped. For the next few days contractions came and went on a regular basis. Finally on Wednesday after work my contrations held steady and we called my mom at midnight to head to the hospital. At the hosptial I didn't progress AT ALL. When they told me I should just go home, I was really upset- shed a few tears then packed up and left.
We got home at 11am and I had contractions all day long about 5-10 minutes apart. After no sleep the night before we jumped into bed to catch some much needed zzz's. At 3:30am I was awaken with some really strong contractions. I held out at long as I could, got some work in, took the dogs for a walk and finally at 6:50am I told Corey we needed to head back to the hospital. We dropped Isley off at daycare and raced to the hospital. Expecting our old room, we were told they were almost full!!! Luckily they had a room left for us. I was admitted and within 4 hours Quinn Corey made her debut at 7 lbs 7 oz and 20.25 inches. Just perfect- and it only took 36 hours!
She is doing well and Isley is adjusting great. Having mom at the hospital was the worst part for her, but I got out early and so she only had one night without me.
We are all doing well- Quinn is happy and healthy, Isley is a great helper and still on the go. Our family is now complete and perfect (we will not be trying one more time for a boy... in case you were wondering).
Baby Quinn.
On the countdown!
14 years ago
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